

We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, our Lord and Savior. We believe in his death and resurrection and the forgiveness

God blessed us with through them. We are part of the Presbyterian Church (USA), which is historically Calvinist…but, we believe each person should actively work out their faith for themselves.

The national church has official stances on various topics, but individuals don’t have to agree. We are free to work out our individual faith for ourselves. We emphasize studying The Bible as our guide for faith and practice and encourage praying for guidance.

We want the gatherings of this congregation to be places where people’s spirituality can be nurtured, questions are welcome and people seek God together. No one has all of he answers. We all work out our faith in the midst of our lives. Come, join us on the journey of faith!

Jesus says, “Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength…and love your neighbor as yourself. On this hang all the law and the prophets.” Scripture tells us that Jesus “came not to be served but to serve others.” Because the ideas of love and service are central to scripture we seek to make them central to who we are as God’s people.

The Presbyterian Church (USA) has a rich history of people studying scripture deeply and bringing all of the tools God has given us to study it. The PC(USA) Book of Confessions is a good tool, as are the writings of many faithful men and women down through the ages. The pastors of the PC(USA) are required to spend a great deal of time studying theology, the original languages of scripture,

How is the church organized?

“Presbyterian” is a biblical word that means “elder.” Every year the church elects three elders to serve on a 9-person board along with the pastor. This board, called “the session” makes almost all decisions on behalf of the congregation. Openness and transparency are important. Anyone can attend session meetings, minutes are published, and financial records and the budget are public by choice.

We have “ministry teams” that are work groups to carry out the life of the church. God gives everyone gifts and talents and all are invited to serve God through the church if they so choose.

The ministry teams are:
Outreach & New Members
Building & Grounds
Stewardship & Finance
Christian Education
Congregational Care

New ideas and projects are welcome! Bring your passion and understanding of where God is at work and help Riverview grow into a community of active service.